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Blackfish Bulletin – August 2023

25th August 2023

Inspiring Lifelong Learning – Our newsletters aim to showcase student achievement and learning during college life.

Upcoming Events

Melbourne Cup – Public Holiday
Nov 4 @ 10:00 pm – Nov 5 @ 4:10 am

Students are not required for learning on this day.

Year 7 Information Evening
Nov 12 @ 6:00 am – 7:30 am

Enrolled 2025 Year 7 students and families are invited to join us for a Presentation outlining your student’s Transition Dates for the term.

Pupil Free Day
Nov 21 @ 10:00 pm – Nov 22 @ 4:10 am

Students are not required for learning on this day. Administration Hours – 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM

Rollover Week
Nov 25 @ 8:00 am – 9:00 am

Students will now be considered as 2025 students and will participate in introductory lessons to help the transition into 2025. Details to follow….

Rollover Week
Nov 26 @ 8:00 am – 9:00 am

Students will now be considered as 2025 students and will participate in introductory lessons to help the transition into 2025. Details to follow….

Vision & Value Awards

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Vision & Values Recipients

Each week our Year 7-9 teachers award their students ‘Vision and Values points’ for students who go above and beyond standard classroom expectations.

Students receive a Vision and Values point to be added to the weekly draw, where students can win a small prize.

There are 5 Categories including:

• Honesty and Integrity
• Personal Best
• Resilience
• Respect
• Responsibility

Congratulations to all our Vision and Values Winners, Keep up the great work!


Casey Youth Summit – Activating Student Voice

Six of our Student Voice Captains in Years 9 and 10 represented our school in July.  They were there with over 100 students from other schools in the Casey and Cardinia area and did a fantastic job as ambassadors for our school community, sharing ideas about youth identity in our community, sustainability and climate change, and being inspired to be leaders by keynote speakers, as well as developing skills in confidence and public speaking.  Two of our students even received awards for outstanding participation on the day!  Thank you to all of the students who took time away from their classes to attend this important event.


High Ability Program – HAP

For more information, please contact Nicola Power – Excellence Program Leader at:

Junior School

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Naplan is a national assessment to see how your child’s literacy and numeracy skills and understanding compare against national standards.

In March 2023, national literacy and numeracy assessments were administered to students in Years 7 and 9 throughout Australia.

Reports showing your child’s achievements have been posted and should be arriving in your post boxes shortly.

For more information regarding your student’s Naplan results, please contact the College.

S.E.A.L. – Big Science Competition

The following students received recognition for achieving highly amongst their peers across the whole of Australia,  showing that not only do they have excellent scientific knowledge, but also strong problem-solving and critical thinking skills:

SEAL students in Years 7-9 will also undertake the Australian Maths Competition next month and we will keep you updated about the results for that, too!


Year 6-7 Transition Application Update

Koo Wee Rup Secondary College is excited to be welcoming our new Year 7 students in 2024.

Acceptance letters have already been distributed to Grade 6 teachers, with teachers confirming which students will be joining us in 2024.

Enrolment information and all relevant documents are on their way to Guardians.

Thank you for choosing Koo Wee Rup Secondary College!

Year 7 Theatre Sports

Year 7 students have been brushing up on their theatre sports. This activity not only nurtures drama skills, it builds self-confidence, creates a positive environment and helps with personal growth.


Year 8 Food Technology

Over the last two weeks of Term 2 the Year 8 Food Technology students have been introduced to the school kitchens. They have learnt some basic food handling skills, including many that they can continue to practice at home such as how to correctly wash and dry the dishes, light the ovens, and sweep the floor.

The students have shown great skill in the preparation of a Chicken Caesar Salad. This dish incorporated the use of techniques such as boiling a hard-boiled egg, frying bacon and chicken on the stoves and baking crispy croutons in the oven.

This term students  have been continuing to develop their food preparation skill s through the design and production of Nachos. To further support their literacy skills, student were required to write individualised recipes for their dish.

The design brief for the dish included students opting for a healthy well balanced nacho dish with meat or another alternative protein such as beans, a vegetable ingredient, and must be prepared using the oven.

Just take a look at their delicious creations, they should be so proud!

Senior School

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50K in May

Our Year 11 VCE Vocational Major students were participating in 50k in May as part of their Personal Development Skills studies (along with a number of our wonderful staff).

Together we walked/ran/rode a total of 4016.75km and raised $2856 towards Multiple Sclerosis.

Thank you to everyone involved by walking/running/riding and/or donating!

Rubbish Warriors

For the VCE VM Personal Development Unit, students have been given the task of creating a community-based project. These Rubbish Warriors evaluated the College around them and were moved by the amount of pollution created by lunch wrappers and other forms of litter. Inspired by the SRC Clean Up the Rup days they took it one step further to encourage a class from Year 7 to help them clean up the school. The students reached out to Jo from the East Pakenham Bunnings with their proposal of community work and were kindly supplied with gloves, buckets, and tongs. Bunnings even threw in their trade mark wicker hats for sun protection.

We would like to say a HUGE thank you Bunnings for supporting our students with your donations!



Our Rubbish Warriors pictured left to right: Joanne Jones,  Joshua Hall, Hayden Stewart, Ashton Koffman and absent Ayden Peachey.


State Emergency Service Education Visit

Students in Year 10 are completing a STEM unit on natural disasters. As part of their learning, we invited Bernie, Sarah, and Miranda to present and answer questions regarding natural hazards that occur in our local area, (mainly flooding,) to expand students’ understanding of these potential disasters.


Year 11 Chemistry

Our Year 11 Chemistry class participated in a colourful experiment covering the topics of redox, colour change, and chemical change.

The reaction shows Manganese, a metal, changing colour as a series of chemical reactions occur between the Manganes, and Sugar base in a flask.

The first couple of reactions happen very quickly, as the solution changes from purple to blue, to green, then more slowly turns to yellow then orange and brown.

Adding more manganese makes the reaction go backwards until all the sugar is used up.

You can view this experiment on our social media pages, Facebook and Instagram.



Year 11 VCE VM Shark Tank Presentations

Year 11 VCE Vocational Major Shark Tank presentations were held earlier this month. Students were allowed to showcase their entrepreneurial skills as they presented their Shark Tank business pitches to a panel of teachers.

To enhance their presentations and effectively communicate their business plans/ideas, students were encouraged to bring a ‘prototype’ of their product or concept.
This experience is not only an exciting opportunity for students to demonstrate their innovative communication skills, but it is also essential for their successful progression towards Satisfactory completion within the Learning Outcomes of their Vocational Major Unit 2 course.


Year 12 Art Making & Exhibiting Excursion – Monash University

On the 26th of July Year 12 students studying Art Making and exhibiting travelled to Monash University to view the exhibition ‘Thin Skin’ at MUMA. It was a fantastic informative experience with an in-depth tour and explanation about the curation and techniques of setting up an exhibition. It was also an opportunity to hear about conservation techniques and see them in practice. Students were able to explore some of the University art studios and visit the smaller adjunct gallery associated with the art design and architecture faculty. It was a coincidence that Orientation week was being held at the same time, so some students took the opportunity to explore the clubs and support available to Monash University students at lunchtime and collect some cool free stuff.


Year 12 VCE Vocational Major

During Term 2, our Vocational Major classes studied Cultural Diversity as a unit for their Personal Development subject. Throughout this, the students were encouraged to be open-minded to gain further knowledge about the unique differences between other countries compared to Australia. For a certain part of the learning experience, the VM students were required to pair up to create a cuisine originating from another country. Beforehand, much time was spent researching to find the perfect dish to put together within the expected criteria. From American-style hot dogs to rice paper rolls, most students went above and beyond with their cooking, handing out a neatly presented cuisine to taste test. They were swift in cleaning up, leaving their cooking spaces spotless whilst enjoying a freshly cooked snack. 

Written by Tayla Zubcic 125

Beyond The Classroom

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Clean Up the Rup – SRC Initiative

In week 4, the Student Representative Council ran the second “Clean Up the Rup” competition.  It was great to see students from all year levels contributing to making our school community a cleaner place by collecting rubbish.  Each bucket collected gained the student or staff member an entry into the draw for a $50 voucher, and also canteen vouchers.  Congratulations to Claire from Year 8 who won the major prize.  The SRC will be running another “Clean Up the Rup” in Week 7.

Engage – Hands-on Program

In Term 2 Week 7, the Engage Program commenced with 30 + students enrolled. We have now had over 90 students referred to the program from years 7-9, we are working through these referrals with a detailed process establishing students’ priority for entry.

Projects students have completed to date include; building a kitchen, painting, timber tables, nib wall, storage room set up, weeding, laying rock paths, fence removal and planting. Inquiry projects currently being explored centre around the school grounds and will soon progress to exploring the local communities students of KWRSC come from.


National Science Week 2023

Our science classes got a head start on science week at the beginning of August with the loan of a Scanning Electron Microscope for two weeks! Our students were keenly exploring the microscopic world with this year’s Science Week Theme – Innovation: Powering Future Industries.



Last chance for golden tickets!

The production of Koo Wee Rup Secondary Colleges’ own, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory performance dates are:

  • Friday 25th of August – 7:00 PM
  • Saturday 26th of August – 1:00 PM
  • Saturday 26th of August – 7:00 PM

Click the link to book your tickets!

Bring your golden ticket to a world of pure imagination!


Staffilda’s vs. Year 12 Soccer Clash

In honour of our Matildas our Staffilda’s versed the Year 12’s in a friendly match of soccer. It was so nice to see the entire college come to the hockey pitch in support.

Our Year 12s narrowly defeated the Staffilda’s in a penalty shoot and we couldn’t have asked for a better match!

Congratulations to everyone involved and most importantly to our Year 12 team.



State Cross Country

Congratulations to Miley W. for representing our College by competing at the School Sports Victoria State Cross Country competition, placing 30th out of 102 contestants.

STEM Workshop at RMIT University

Students from Years 7 to 10 had the opportunity to take part in a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) workshop on 10th August. The workshop was conducted by a team of university students and staff from RMIT University who visited us as part of their STEM outreach program. The event was attended by around 35 STEM enthusiasts from our school, who enjoyed building models of rockets out of paper and testing their models on a launching mechanism. Everyone who participated thoroughly enjoyed doing this hands-on activity and experienced the testing and improvement stages of the engineering design process.


Tree Planting Day

On Tuesday 18th July 40 students and 4 staff held a school planting day. This was a group effort between the KWRSC Engage Program and the school’s Sustainability group. Students from years 7- 12 were involved. They planted 1100 Native and/or indigenous trees and shrubs throughout an area of the school called the Ngalinggu Trail. This area is currently being rejuvenated to attract frogs, and bandicoots and as an outdoor learning space for our students with a trail running through it. The project has generously been supported by Beach Energy, Westernport Swamp Landcare and Adrian Develyn from Urban Resource Management, all of whom have donated funds and materials to rejuvenate the area. The Sustainability group and the KWRSC Engage Program team continue to collaborate in the Ngalinggu trail area with the Engage students having just finished laying the rocks to the trail throughout the area.

The KWRSC Engage Program also had PPE, cleaning products, a BBQ, and shovels generously donated by East Pakenham Bunnings. We have also just been informed of a successful grant application through the Bendigo Bank Community Grants program. All the community generosity we have received to date is truly appreciated and will enable the types of inquiry-based hands-on projects the students in the KWRSC Engage Program can complete even better.

Thank you sincerely to Beech Energy Westernport Swamp Landcare Group, Bendigo Bank, East Pakenham Bunnings and Urban Resource Management.

Careers & Pathways

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Certificate II in Commercial Cookery

The students in Commercial Cookery are heading into their service periods for breakfast, lunch and dinner to help students complete the “work effectively as a cook” unit. Students are required to complete 12 service periods serving real customers in real-time. Students made appetisers in preparation of fine-tuning their skills.

Chef Brian is very impressed with their dedication and skillset so far and is looking forward to the next few culinary challenges of practical service.

Head Start School-Based Apprenticeships

Congratulations to Brooklyn for beginning a school-based apprenticeship, supported by Head Start!

Brooklyn was introduced to the civil construction industry by a family member and enjoyed it so much that she has now commenced part-time work with the Winslow Group, studying Certificate III in Civil Construction whilst she completes her secondary education. Brooklyn is confidently heading into a traditionally male-dominated industry to learn a skill set that is in high demand. Well done, Brooklyn!


Congratulations to Tyler for beginning his apprenticeship through Head Start as a school-based apprentice!

Tyler undertook Structured Workplace Learning with Piper Plumb, which led to the opportunity for a school-based apprenticeship. Tyler will be studying Certificate III in Plumbing whilst he completes his secondary education, with support from Head Start. Tyler has demonstrated great potential and we are proud of his achievement.

If you’d like to consider an apprenticeship or traineeship whilst completing your secondary education, please contact the Head Start Coordinator Jody Yandle on 0467 209 251.


Responsible Serving of Alcohol Certificate

As the 2023 Year 12s of Koo Wee Rup Secondary College approach the end of their learning experience, it is becoming vital for them to be prepared to develop their independence. On the 11th of July, our Vocational Major classes had the opportunity to complete their RSA (Responsible Serving of Alcohol) by completing the course by EducationisKey. The teacher, Michelle, taught both the morning and afternoon sessions exceptionally well. The VM classes were individually given an information booklet about the responsibility and the handling of alcohol to study carefully throughout the lesson. The students were then handed their RSA test which they promptly completed to their best ability. It is safe to say each Vocational Major student enjoyed half a day at school, and can now provide proper documentation of an RSA. The certificate will be especially valuable for students who want to work in the Hospitality and Entertainment industries.

Written by Tayla Zubcic 125

Senior Pathways Expo

On Thursday the 18th of August we held our annual Senior Pathways Expos to assist students in choosing their 2024 pathways.

We met with over 400 students and their family members – the best turnout yet!

There was a wonderful team effort and such a positive atmosphere.

We would like to thank everyone, students, families and staff, for supporting our Senior Pathways Expo!

Young Women in Trades Showcase Event – Chisholm Institute

Are you considering a trade career?

Come and ‘Try a Trade’ at our interactive trade stands and get hands-on experience with electrical, plumbing, carpentry, cabinet making, automotive, and engineering (including virtual welding) trades. Hear from a panel of successful Women in Trade to hear about their experiences. Chat with teachers and industry about all your career and study options and grab a giveaway and free popcorn. We’d love to help you find out which trade is right for you!

Where: Chisholm Frankston Campus, Building D START

When: Wednesday 13th September, 4 pm-7 pm

Register Now


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Breakfast Club

Run by our Year 11 VM students the VMCafé & Breakfast Club is open for service.

Where – Located in the Café area near the Canteen

Breakfast Club – Every Tuesday and Thursday morning before school

Breakfast Club Free Menu – Spaghetti or Baked Bean Toasties, Vegemite or Honey Toast, & Muesli or Fruit Salad bowls

VMCafé – Open Tuesday & Thursday before school and Recess

VMCafé Menu – Coffee and Hot Chocolates $3 ($3.50 for Almond, Oat or Soy milk)


First Aid, Accidents, and Illnesses

First-Aid is located in the Administration Building and is to be accessed by students with genuine matters. All students will be asked for a written pass issued by their classroom teacher for staff to verify. Students will be logged into First Aid via Compass creating an Attendance Note notifying parents and staff of the student’s location and duration of their visit.

If a student is unwell, they are encouraged to stay home, and an Attendance Note needs to be made via Compass. A medical certificate can be uploaded by the ‘+ Attachment’ button or submitted to staff on their return to school.

The first aider assisting your student will make contact via telephone where necessary, asking for student collection, or advice, on a case-by-case basis. This may be to clarify the medical information that was provided from the enrolment paperwork.

First-aid does not keep or distribute any medication without written instruction from a General Practitioner in the form of a letter or Medical Action Plan; as well as a parent/guardian signed ‘Request to Administer Medication Form.’ In more severe circumstances, a Communication Plan may be developed between your family and the First Aid Officer.

In the case of a medical emergency, staff will contact families and call 000 for an Ambulance, following the medical instructions of Ambulance Victoria. As per duty of care, the attending First-Aider will accompany your student until handover has been established with families.


Meet the Team

Koo Wee Rup Secondary College has a diverse well-resourced Wellbeing Team, which includes a Wellbeing Leader, Trauma Therapist, Youth Worker, Mental Health Practitioner, Inclusion Coordinator, First-Aid Officer and Secondary School Nurse.

The college Wellbeing Team is a safe place where many young people can approach our team for support. An important role of our Wellbeing Team is also to identify a student’s needs and to make the appropriate referrals or ask for specialist advice.

Wellbeing Services include:

  • Short-term, solutions-focused counselling
  • Referrals to external agencies and community support networks
  • Targeted small group programs
  • Referral to Department of Education Specialists for psychological and educational assessment
  • Support and advice for parents and families
  • Access to our Adolescent Health Nurse

These services complement a range of support options and student well-being initiatives provided within the College to cater for individual differences and needs with the support of the First Aid Officer. Wellbeing support at the College is voluntary and based on best practice.

Patient Paws

Every Friday, Miranda, Denver and Harvey visit the College for the Patient Paws Animal Assisted Intervention program.

Using the healing power of the human-animal bond the counselling team at Patient Paws is dedicated to providing support to individuals of all ages. Denver and Harvey help assist in creating a welcoming and friendly environment and are trained to provide emotional support and comfort to those in need.


Prevention of Family Violence First Aid Session

There is an opportunity for community members in Cardinia to complete a Family Violence First Aid course for free, delivered by Women’s Health in the South East and Cardinia Shire Council. This course is 6 afternoon sessions that covers family violence prevention, responding to resistance, responding to disclosures and self-care. We invite parents to learn how they can support members of their community who may be experiencing family violence and engage with them in our Respectful Relationships work. Upon completion, participants will also be offered the opportunity to complete a train-the-trainer so they can deliver these sessions themselves to other community members.

Please see the flyer for session times and contact details.

Sun Smart

It’s the time of year to remind families about being Sunsmart. Follow the link to an article for parents of teens encouraging sun protection.

Wear it Purple Day

Koo Wee Rup Secondary College is abuzz with excitement as we come together to celebrate Wear It Purple Day. This colourful and impactful event serves as a reminder of the significance of Pride celebrations and the ongoing importance of fostering an inclusive environment.

In a world that often seems more accepting and open, some might wonder why events like Pride and Wear It Purple Day are still relevant. It’s easy to assume that progress has been made and that the LGBTQIA+ community no longer faces the challenges of the past. However, the truth remains that Pride celebrations hold immense significance, acting as a beacon of hope, unity, and support for those who identify as LGBTQIA+.

Wear It Purple Day is more than just a day of celebration; it’s an opportunity to shed light on the challenges faced by LGBTQIA+ individuals. By raising awareness about the unique struggles, they encounter, we can foster a greater sense of understanding and empathy. This knowledge empowers us to extend a helping hand to one another, building a stronger, more united community that stands together in the face of adversity.

At Koo Wee Rup Secondary College, the celebration of Wear It Purple Day serves a dual purpose. Not only does it create a space for jubilation and camaraderie, but it also actively contributes to the creation of a haven for LGBTQIA+ students and staff. By embracing events that honour diversity and challenge discrimination, the college is taking meaningful steps towards nurturing an environment where everyone can thrive and be their authentic selves.

Thank you to all the students who wore purple in support.

In a world where acceptance should be universal, it’s clear that the journey towards complete inclusivity is far from over. Events like Wear It Purple Day remind us that there is still work to be done, conversations to be had, and barriers to be dismantled. So, as we come together to celebrate and raise awareness, let us also remember the vital role each of us plays in championing diversity and fostering an environment where everyone truly belongs.

If you feel like you could do with the support of a professional, help is always available at:

  • MyPlace – Cardinia – 1800 496 884
  • Youth Counselling and Support Service – Casey – 9792 7279
  • LifeLine –  13 11 14 – Provides counselling, information and referrals for people experiencing a personal crisis. 
  • Beyond Blue – 1300 224 636 – Provides advice and support for people experiencing depression and anxiety.
  • Suicide Call Back Service – 1300 659 467  – Provides free counselling for anyone (15 years+) who is suicidal or affected by suicide.
  • Kids Helpline – 1800 55 1800 – Provides free, private and confidential telephone and online counselling services specifically for young people aged between 5 and 25.
  • E-HeadSpace – Provides free online or telephone support with a clinician via an online chat. This service is available for 12–25-year-olds, 
  • Reachout 

From The Office

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Term 3 – Spring Holiday Information

Please note the following information regarding the last day of Term 3, Friday 15th of September:

  • Students Finish Time – 2:10 PM
  •  Administration Hours of Operation –  8:15 AM to 2:30 PM

Administration Hours of Operation beginning Term 4:

  • Monday, October 2nd –  8:15 AM to 4:15 PM

Blackfish Magazine 2022

There are still quite a few families who have paid for a College Magazine and are yet to collect them.

Please contact Administration if you think this may be you!

Alternatively, students can collect their copy from the Administration:

  • Before School
  • Recess
  • Lunch
  • After School


Compass Identity Card

The Student ID card or Compass ID Card can be used for signing IN and OUT of the Kiosk when arriving late or departing early, checking your schedule on the Kiosk after signing in, printing and photocopying, and is a valid form of proof of entitlement, allowing students to access concession fares.

Bringing together your Compass ID cards with public transport concession cards saves time and money for students and parents, and it means students only require one card. This means you can use your Compass Card to access unlimited transport on all public transport wholly within Victoria by selecting and purchasing a Victorian Student Pass.

Your Student ID Card can also be used for an array of concessions including:

Lost your Compass ID Card?

By selecting the Cog icon (Tools menu) on the top right-hand side corner of your screen, follow the prompts to order a replacement card.

Please see the diagram for step-by-step instructions.


Early Departure and Late Arrivals

If students need to leave the College during the school day, they must have permission from a parent/guardian for staff to verify. This can be accomplished in different ways:

  • Attendance Note – Using the Parent Compass Portal, an Attendance Note can be made at any time in advance, using the relevant drop-down options, date, and specific time of departure.
  • Handwritten Note – This note will need to be verified by your Year Level Leading Team with their signature, to submit to your classroom teacher at the specified time of departure to enable you to leave class and depart school. This note is then submitted to the Administration for students to sign out via the Compass Kiosk. The Learning Community Support Administrator will then add this note to your Compass account.
  • Verbal Permission – Although Compass is our preferred method of Attendance Notifications, parents can also phone in for those late last-minute departures. Please allow a few extra minutes for your student to collect their belongings, as telephones are only located in key areas throughout the College.

If a student arrives late to school, they must use the Compass Kiosk at Administration to sign in by selecting the Green Login Button or by scanning their Student ID card. To explain, parents will need to add an Attendance Note on Compass to approve this absence. The slip printed can be given to the teacher on arrival to class.

An alert from Compass will be sent to families of any student absence that was not noted before 11 AM, requiring parent approval. If an Absence Notification is received, please contact the College for clarification.

Your relevant Learning Community Support Administrator will make contact via Compass, email and or telephone for all unexplained absences. Further advice, information, and instruction can be found in Compassthe  Parent Guide.

Noone Imagewear

Noone Imagewear is having a sale.

The following items have been reduced to $10, while stocks last.


Parent Teacher Conferences

Parent Teacher Conferences will be held on Thursday 14th of September from 12 PM – 7 PM.

This day is a Pupil Free Day and students are not required at school this day.

Bookings for the conferences will be available to reserve via Compass on Friday the 1st of September by selecting Conferences.

Please keep an eye on the Compass Newsfeed for more information regarding these interviews, closer to the date.


Progress Reports – Cycle 3

2023 Progress Reports Cycle 3 and 2023 KWRSC Engage Program Progress Reports are now open for viewing. These can be accessed via the Reports tab in Compass.

Please refer to the Work Habits Rubric to understand the report elements.

School Bus Travel

Student Dress Code Policy

At the beginning of the term, the College released an updated Student Dress Code Policy to provide information about uniform purchase and support, dress code, implementation and exemption processes.

This Policy was developed by the College Council in close consultation with our school community to ensure that it respects the rights of individual students whilst reflecting the values and interests of our community.

A copy can be obtained on our Website under the Document Resource Centre, or via the Compass Newsfeed.

Community Announcements

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Berwick Braves Softball Club

We are a community-based, not-for-profit, sporting club based in Berwick and are looking for players across all age groups.

Berwick Braves Softball Club caters for players aged from 5 to 96 both Male and Female in a fun, friendly, family-oriented environment, and we would love to get more of your school community involved.

Please see the flyer for more details.

Moonlit Sanctuary

We are thrilled to announce the return of the much-loved Keeper Club Holiday Program at Moonlit Sanctuary during the upcoming spring school break.

In case you’re not familiar with Moonlit Sanctuary, it’s a wildlife conservation sanctuary in Pearcedale where you can get up close and personal with some of Australia’s most unique animals. Our mission is to make sure everyone knows about these critters and why we need to look out for them.

A highlight of our educational initiatives is the Keeper Club School Holiday Program. Run by our Education Officers, Keeper Club is great fun for kids and lets them dive into hands-on environmental activities, hang out with cool animals, and discover how to take care of our native buddies, all with a focus on fun!

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